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Sharepoint 2013 prerequisite looping



I'm trying to install SharePoint 2013, when using the prerequisite installer it keeps asking to restart. after restarting the Server, it try's to install again then asks to be restarted again. I'm getting this over & over again. 
I'm install this on W
indows Server 2012 Essentials

See below the following error.

• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5: was already installed (no action taken)
• Windows Management Framework 3.0: was already installed (no action taken)
• Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role: configured successfully
• Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client: equivalent products already installed (no action taken)
• Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64): was already installed (no action taken)
• Windows Server AppFabric: installation error
• Microsoft Identity Extensions: Installation skipped
• Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client: Installation skipped
• Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0: Installation skipped
• Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763): was already installed (no action taken)


2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Processor architecture is (9)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Common Startup
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Successfully deleted the startup task
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - /continue
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Continuing after restart
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Details of the current operating system: 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Major version number of the operating system:  (6)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Minor version number of the operating system:  (2)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Build number of the operating system:  (0X23F0=9200)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack:  (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack:  (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Platform ID of the operating system:  (2)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Product suites available on the operating system:  (0X131=305)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONROLLER
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Product type:  (0X32=50)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - OS type:  (1)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - PowerShellVersion
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - 3.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - CTPVersion
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Could not find or unable to read CTPVersion key
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Install
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The value is (1)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Version
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - 4.5.50709
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The release version of .NET 4.5 is installed.
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading version of the following file...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The version is...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - 1.0.3010.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Version
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - 10.51.2500.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Windows Server AppFabric
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - ProductVersion
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - 
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Version
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - IsInstalled
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The value is (1)
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Beginning download/installation
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - Created thread for installer
2013-02-18 23:18:15 - "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Temp\PreEFBF.tmp.PS1"
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - Install process returned (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe" -i
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - Install process returned (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:16 - "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "C:\Windows\system32\iisext.vbs" /enext "ASP.NET v4.0.30319"
2013-02-18 23:18:17 - Install process returned (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:17 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:17 - "C:\Windows\system32\iisreset.exe" /noforce
2013-02-18 23:18:17 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:18 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:19 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:20 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:21 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:22 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:23 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:24 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:25 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:26 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:27 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - Install process returned (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - DCC
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - DCS
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - DCA
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - Beginning download of Windows Server AppFabric
2013-02-18 23:18:28 - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235496
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Size of download of "Windows Server AppFabric" in bytes is "33646240"
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Download of "Windows Server AppFabric" completed successfully
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - configuring FTP/Windows Services for AppFabric
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - FTP service is not installed.
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - The current status of the service is...
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - SERVICE_RUNNING
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Windows update service is already running
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - AppFabric caching service is not installed.
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - All services have been configured successfully for AppFabric.
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - Installing Windows Server AppFabric
2013-02-18 23:18:29 - "C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Temp\App2263.tmp.exe" /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Install process returned (0X643=1603)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070643=-2147023293)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - All services have been configured successfully after AppFabric installation
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Last return code (0X643=1603)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Flags
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - PendingFileRenameOperations
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - \??\c:\c143892f4ac11103c1ef
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - File Rename operations are pending a reboot.
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Install needs restart
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Common Startup
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Trying to create the startup task.
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - PowerShellVersion
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - 3.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - CTPVersion
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Could not find or unable to read CTPVersion key
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Install
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is (1)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Version
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - 4.5.50709
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The release version of .NET 4.5 is installed.
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading version of the following file...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The version is...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - 1.0.3010.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Version
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is... 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - 10.51.2500.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Windows Server AppFabric
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - ProductVersion
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - 
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Version
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - IsInstalled
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - from the following registry location...
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The value is (1)
2013-02-18 23:19:11 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2013-02-18 23:19:44 - Opening log file
2013-02-18 23:19:44 - Opened action for user
2013-02-18 23:19:44 - C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Temp\prerequisiteinstaller.2013.02.18-23.18.15.log

Can anyone help me with this problem.

SharePoint 2013 Unghosted Page Migration



Could you please let me know if there is any easy way to migrate unghosted pages in SP 2010 to SP 2013?

We tried to migrate content from SP 2010 to SP 2013 using content database attach-detach and noticed that after the visual upgrade the look & feel of pages have got distorted for all pages which were customised in SP 2010 SharePoint designer.

I know that we would have to manually reapply the changes to SP 2013 but wanted to know if there is any smarter way like tools, scripts etc.






Is there a way to make " focus on content " as default for all pages?

I am trying to remove the left navigation pane on my sharepoint site. Even if I am able to modify the master page and make the "DeltaPlaceHolderLeftNavBar" property as invisible, there is some extra space that appears on the left hand side of the page. However, when I click on the "focus on content" button, it seems to hide the left empty space and the page title. I would want to set this as the default view for my page. Is there a way to do this?

Create Project Web App Instance - Failed to find Project Site object. Are there any database mounted?



New Installation. Sharepoint 2013, Project Server 2013 and SQL Server 2008 SP1 (another box).

When I try to create Project Web App Instance, I get 

Provisioning 'PWA': Post provisioning setup failed. Exception 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Failed to find Project Site object. Are there any database mounted?

 Followed by:

Failed to provision site PWA with error: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Failed to find Project Site object. Are there any database mounted?

Already tried reinstalling the whole farm to no avail. Farm Admin account is used to do everything within this process.

Thanks in anticipation.

Project server web app instance delete or remove

i created project web app instance and want to remove it but cannot find delete or remove anywhere. when i go t o pwa instance dropdown, i see only manage and retry option. pl help.

Moving a SharePoint Site into SharePoint Site Collection within the same Web application

Does export-spweb delete the the subsites of the "backuped site" ?



I have a site with 2 sub sites.

I ran the:

$ExportPath = "d:\Backup\backup.cmp"
$ImportPath = "d:\Backup\backup.cmp"

write-host -ForegroundColor green "Exporting Site Collection $fellesomradepURL to $ExportPath"
Export-SPWeb -Identity $fellesomradepURL -Path $ExportPath

write-host -ForegroundColor green "Importing Site Collection $fellesomradepURL to $ExportPath"
Import-SPWeb $newURL –Path $ImportPath –UpdateVersions Overwrite

I can access my old site "$fellesomradepURL", but the 2 sub-sites are now one from it....

Any clues?

best regards


Request Manager for Service Request Within the Farm?



Request manager is a new functionality in SP 2013 that is used for serving user requests in a better way as I understand from MSDN documentation, I have a query related to the same. Is it also applicable for other internal requests like search, user profile etc. and all other internal requests to all service applications in a farm where the services are hosted in a load balanced topology in a SharePoint 2013 farm?

Any pointers will be helpful.

Bidyut Das

Outlook, Calendar, People tab in My Site in SharePoint 2013


Hi, I have configured SharePoint 2013 My Site.

I want Outlook, Calendar, and People tab besides newsfeed tab on top of site.

How to get it?

Office Web Apps 2013 - No Document Preview


I have installed the Office Web Apps 2013 and made the Binding within my SharePoint 2013. Opening and editing the documents works like expected. But what I'm missing is the Document Preview, when I click on the Menu of a document. The preview is missing in the search result too. Also after running a full crawl.

Office Web Apps - missing preview


Start up - struggling to know where to being on sharepoint



I am new to sharepoint development - I am not sure where to start for my own project.

I have windows 8.

I want to know what I need to buy and do to create a new sharepoint site (on my server) and give access to third parties.

Also, does anyone know if there is a report builder tool in sharepoint?

Any assistance would be very helpful!


Moving webapplications to port 80



Ive set up my enterprise searchsite on port 90, and mysite on port 81.

Using SharePoint 2013 Standard server. Setup has been done via Powershell.

I am trying to move the search and mysite webapplication to port 80, so that it is easier for users to reach them. Yes I know i could just set up alternative access mapping. But id rather set up all web applications on port 80 for now.

I will be setting up my site collection with the hostheader, to be able to set urls to my site collection.

Is it possible without using the backup-spsite - restore-spsite, because this requires the enterprise version, and I have only got the standard version.



SharePoint Foundation 2013 AppStore problems



i configured the Subscription and App service applications.

Now i want to configure the App URLs. It isn´t working and i got error:


02/20/2013 15:15:05.95  w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         Topology                       e5mc Medium   WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://sharepoint:32843/7b934b745e3c4c0aa735b35c9da7aecf/SubscriptionSettings.svc/optimized' Channel: 'Microsoft.SharePoint.ISubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication' Action: 'http://tempuri.org/ISubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication/GetSubscriptionMetadata' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:90e32ff1-6687-4d19-a329-c131cf377117' 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.95  w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         Site Subscription              buq6 Unexpected An error occurred while contacting the subscription settings service at 'http://sharepoint:32843/7b934b745e3c4c0aa735b35c9da7aecf/SubscriptionSettings.svc/optimized'.  Exception details: System.ServiceModel.FaultException: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.    Server stack trace:      at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action,... 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.95* w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         Site Subscription              buq6 Unexpected ... MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)     at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)     at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)     at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)     at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)    Exception rethrown at [0]:      at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)     at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)     at Microsoft.Sha... 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.95* w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         Site Subscription              buq6 Unexpected ...rePoint.ISubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication.GetSubscriptionMetadata(Guid subscriptionId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.<>c__DisplayClass22.<GetSubscriptionMetadata>b__20(ISubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication channel)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(CodeBlock codeBlock) 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97  w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         General                        8nca Medium   Application error when access /_admin/ConfigureAppSettings.aspx, Error=Die Einstellungen oder Dienste, die zum Erfüllen dieser Anforderung erforderlich sind, sind zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Wiederholen Sie diesen Vorgang später. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an den Administrator.   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ProcessCommonExceptions(Exception ex, SPServiceLoadBalancerContext context)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(CodeBlock codeBlock)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.GetSubscriptionMetadata(Guid subscriptionId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSiteSubscriptionSettingsManager.GetMetadata(SPSiteSubscriptionIdentifier subscriptionIdent... 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97* w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         General                        8nca Medium   ...ifier)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ConfigureAppSettingsPage.OnLoad(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97  w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         Runtime                        tkau Unexpected Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Die Einstellungen oder Dienste, die zum Erfüllen dieser Anforderung erforderlich sind, sind zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Wiederholen Sie diesen Vorgang später. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an den Administrator.    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ProcessCommonExceptions(Exception ex, SPServiceLoadBalancerContext context)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(CodeBlock codeBlock)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.GetSubscriptionMetadata(Guid subscriptionId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSiteSubscriptionSettingsManager.GetMetadata(SPSiteSubscriptionIdentifier subscriptionIdentifier)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.A... 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97* w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         Runtime                        tkau Unexpected ...pplicationPages.ConfigureAppSettingsPage.OnLoad(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97  w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         General                        ajlz0 High     Getting Error Message for Exception System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Die Einstellungen oder Dienste, die zum Erfüllen dieser Anforderung erforderlich sind, sind zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Wiederholen Sie diesen Vorgang später. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an den Administrator.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ProcessCommonExceptions(Exception ex, SPServiceLoadBalancerContext context)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(CodeBlock codeBlock)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy.GetSubscriptionMetadata(Guid subscriptionId) ... 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97* w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         General                        ajlz0 High     ...    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSiteSubscriptionSettingsManager.GetMetadata(SPSiteSubscriptionIdentifier subscriptionIdentifier)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ConfigureAppSettingsPage.OnLoad(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)     at System.Web.Ht... 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9
02/20/2013 15:15:05.97* w3wp.exe (0x1714)                        0x1634 SharePoint Foundation         General                        ajlz0 High     ...tpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()     at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) 20a2009c-685d-1075-ca77-e4065e540bb9


Any ideas?

THX and Greets,


unable to restore-spsite



I have managed to backup my site collection.

But am having issues restoring it...:

Cant seem to find any articles related to this...

PS C:\Windows\system32> Restore-SPSite -Identity $fellesomradepURL -Path $RestorePath  -HostHeaderWebApplication $hostwebapp -Confirm:$false -Force -Verbose -DatabaseServer $DBServer -DatabaseName $RestoreContentDB
VERBOSE: Leaving BeginProcessing Method of Restore-SPSite.
VERBOSE: Performing operation "Restore-SPSite" on Target "http://sitehostname.domain.com".
Restore-SPSite : Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
At line:1 char:1+ Restore-SPSite -Identity $fellesomradepURL -Path $RestorePath  -HostHeaderWebApp ...+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...dletRestoreSite:SPCmdletRestoreSite) [Restore-SPSite], UriFormatException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletRestoreSite
VERBOSE: Leaving ProcessRecord Method of Restore-SPSite.
VERBOSE: Leaving EndProcessing Method of Restore-SPSite.

Any help will be appriciated!



Installing SharePoint Server 2013...NET Framework 4.5 says not installed


Hi Everyone

We are trying to install SharePoint Server Ent 2013 on Windows Server 2008 (1 app 1 db). We are getting all kinds of looping issues with the .net framework. we installed the .net framework 4.5 then completed a restart. then tried to install sharepoint and it says the .net framework is missing! it's a looping issue

please help!


SharePoint 2013 default authentication used while creating a web application



Can any one please confirm the default authentication used while creating a web application in SP 2013 is claims  auth using Central Admin.

Permission for a SQL service account on a SharePoint box



I have a SharePoint farm with SQL server in backend. While installing SharePoint i have used an account "spadmin" and for SQL I have used "SQLAdmin"

Is it required that SQLAdmin account should be a local admin on the SharePoint box and vice versa.

SharePoint 2013 Productivity Hub Desired


I am not sure how many of you has heard of or used the SharePoint 2010 Productivity Hub.  One of the best resources Microsoft has put out in my opinion for Microsoft products in general.  I know 2013 is just starting to ramp up, but I am going to get the fires lit so we can see this for the newest version of SharePoint.  Microsoft, on behalf of the SharePoint community I ask that you continue to make available this great resource for SharePoint 2013.

Thank you in Advance!

Host Named Site Collections and Load Balanced Farm

SharePoint 2013 - Initial Database Creation Slowness and Administration Timeouts


Hey everyone, I'm struggling with some SharePoint 2013 issues here and I can't seem to find any information addressing this issue.

During the initial configuration of SharePoint, step three of the wizard (Creating the configuration database), takes roughly six hours to complete. The database connection is fine, and it will in fact successfully complete. I have run a trace on the SQL process and queries are being run, ,durations listed are generally nothing above 40 with most clocking in at around 10. I can't say however if the rate at which queries are hitting the machine is sufficient. 

Initial setup will complete, but the fact that this takes 6 hours i find rather unnerving. I setup SharePoint 2013 on a single server, functioning as the web, app, and database server, and the process only took a few moments. The reason I mention it is because I think it may contribute to an issue that I have not yet found a resolution for. If I wait 6 hours for the database to get setup, and then jump into the Central Administration for the new farm I find some strange issues. Most critically I am unable to configure new Web Applications, they timeout on me during creation and fail to complete. A database will be created for the web application, but neither the IIS website, the application pool, nor the virtual folder are created. 

My suspicion is that perhaps whatever is causing the initial database setup to take many hours is also slowing things down enough to create these timeout errors when I am attempting to make a new Web Application either via the initial wizard, or manually, via the Central Administration site. The wizard will timeout after the first step, where the service account and features are selected. 

Here's the setup - I'm going for a two tier farm with one machine serving as the App and Web server and the other serving as the database server (2012 SP1). 

Both servers are:

  • Virtualized in VMware
  • Server 2012
  • Fully Patched
  • Meet hardware requirements

I have built up and tore down the servers a few times chasing this, from scratch. I have been following all of the excellent informational guides out there in terms of permissions and such, and receive no relevant errors to this. I don't think there are any issues with my service accounts or such. The whole setup process is identical to what seems to work for everyone else, at least as the best as I can determine. 

Things I've tested:

  • Increased timeout on the IIS pool and site (no change)
  • Ping from server to server (no latency)
  • Tried setup with SQL 2008 on a 2008 R2 machine (no change)
  • Rebuild servers from scratch, not template (no change)

I find the time to create initial databases terrifying, but it's the inability to create web applications or complete the initial setup wizard without timeouts that makes it inoperable. I've taken some logs tied to the correlation ID that occurs when the site times out while creating the new web application. The timeout always takes 20 minutes. Here are two comma delimited csv logs of this type of event:


https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1024543/Timeout_error2.csv (TechNet won't let me post a hyperlink)

Seems one of the last things in the log before the timeout is the following:

Application error when access /_admin/extendvs.aspx, Error=Request timed out.

A big thanks to any and all ideas, I appreciate the input greatly. Let me know if there is more information that I can provide to help troubleshoot the issue.


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